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Thursday 8 September 2011

waiting for the moment to come!!!

arghh~lmbatnye mse..i cant wait for  next coming weekend..hope i can see him again:).dlu dah plan nk kluar ngn DIA tp ade jew yg xjadi..cm xnk bg ktorng jumpa jew.haishh..pnye la lme ktorng tggu nk jmpa.dri awal thun lg kot..skang ni da akhir thun.klu ibu yg pregnant pown da kluar da baby tu tgk dunia..adoiiyaa..n now im waiting for the moment ....MISS U so much!!(tba2 jew ak tergedik gle la plak mlm niy..terlebih hormon kowt.ngeeee..........)

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