korang sedang tgk blog spe??

Thursday 19 January 2012

my wish list..

boleh kan saya nk camera niy??hehe..
welcome 2012!!im turning 19 already.i have been live in this beautiful world with super duper friends and family for about 19 years and for this time being i knew the moment when they upset or happy,what are their favourite ice cream  flavour., and  of course i can tell when something is not right happens..wish to be with them for the rest of my life,,,can i GOD??they are such a good guidance to me..motivate me,support me and accept me just the way i am..love u so much guys..nothing can describe my feelings right now hmmm..lme ak da xbkak blog niy..by the way entry terbaru ni ak nk share my wish list for this year..skrang ni kan rmai gler yang gilakan camera..kalau pegi jalan mna2 msti bnyi jew klik situ klik sini..yg tu suh senyum nampak gigi..yang tu suh senyum biasa.control cun la katakan..lpas tu bleh upload kt facebook buat pic profile..hehe..keje biasa org buat especially girls kan???hehe..ok2 sbnarnye ak nk bgitau ak pon termasuk jgk dlm glongan ni..pantang jew nmpak kwan pegang camera trus senyum..xkisah la kat dpan toilet ke,tepi pasu bunga ke,,yang penting maintain jew snyum kn?so,this is my wish..to have this new camera..so pink right??but for me its gorgeous..stu hari tu ak search la pasal camera2 yang latest..and you know what im stuck into this..hmm..can i have this??wish my dream comes true..and xpasal2 entry ni pon color pink..

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