korang sedang tgk blog spe??

Friday 6 April 2012

-Don’t compare your life to others’. You have no idea what their JOURNEY is all about!..

Sukan OH Sukan...

assalamualaikum semua..sukan oh sukan!!!!nothing much to say but i really hope to win this match..aaa..lupa plak nak bagitau minggu ni ada sukan dan permainan among spc student..(SAJE JE MENGGEDIK NAK TRANSLATE).so,dalam banyak banyak sukan yang ada tu saya terjoin volleyball or dalam bahasa  melayunya bola tampar..kalau bagi aku main bola keranjang memang tak lah jawabnya kan..buat penat ak lari jelah dalam court tu..diri ini tak berapa tinggi untuk itu.:P..so after 3 matches with rcmp,australia and uk,alhamdulillah Allah bagi rezeki untuk menang..but saya harap sgat2 kemenangan ni tidak menyebabkan kami riak or rasa hebat sebab anything can happen so sudden,even those yang dah kumpul mata bnyak tu pun boleh kalah kalau  memang takde rezeki dye..All in all Allah itu Maha Mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk semua orang!just put your trust on Him and I know that He will  not let you down and everything happen for a reason...:).one hour to go  for the next match and im so speechless now..tak tahu lah nak turun main dgn niat apa but for sure Allah in my heart to support me!He will be with me,comfort me and help me of course..enjoy my game!Love u Vinayaka and My Trusted One,ALLAH S.W.T..

Thursday 19 January 2012

my wish list..

boleh kan saya nk camera niy??hehe..
welcome 2012!!im turning 19 already.i have been live in this beautiful world with super duper friends and family for about 19 years and for this time being i knew the moment when they upset or happy,what are their favourite ice cream  flavour., and  of course i can tell when something is not right happens..wish to be with them for the rest of my life,,,can i GOD??they are such a good guidance to me..motivate me,support me and accept me just the way i am..love u so much guys..nothing can describe my feelings right now hmmm..lme ak da xbkak blog niy..by the way entry terbaru ni ak nk share my wish list for this year..skrang ni kan rmai gler yang gilakan camera..kalau pegi jalan mna2 msti bnyi jew klik situ klik sini..yg tu suh senyum nampak gigi..yang tu suh senyum biasa.control cun la katakan..lpas tu bleh upload kt facebook buat pic profile..hehe..keje biasa org buat especially girls kan???hehe..ok2 sbnarnye ak nk bgitau ak pon termasuk jgk dlm glongan ni..pantang jew nmpak kwan pegang camera trus senyum..xkisah la kat dpan toilet ke,tepi pasu bunga ke,,yang penting maintain jew snyum kn?so,this is my wish..to have this new camera..so pink right??but for me its gorgeous..stu hari tu ak search la pasal camera2 yang latest..and you know what im stuck into this..hmm..can i have this??wish my dream comes true..and xpasal2 entry ni pon color pink..

Monday 10 October 2011

once more ak MENGARUT!

lme da xtgk blog niyhh..eeheee..lme2 alamk tutup jgk la blog ni klu xupdate gk..mggu niy mggu pling xbes bg aku..sdeyy kot..hbis smua bnda ak cm nk pikir..ske hati aku la kn otak aku...;p this week i felt so messy..ak cm xde smgat nk blaja.xtau la sbb ape...bkak buku jew ngantuk.lgi2 la klu bkak maths.nsib baek lar nti niy da xpyah susah2 skitkan otak bt maths.haisshhh..pastu mggu niy jgk ak rndu sgt kat dye tp ak xnk gtau dye..bia jela..dye ckp nk study,,,,hurrmmm..igt dye sorang jew nk stdy????!!!bajet btoll..ak nk study gk...tau la dye terer kn??xpela..ak juz carry on with what i have now..kdg2 ak rse ak niy jhat gk sbb xbsyukur dgan ape yang aku ade..dlu ak brangan sgt nk blajakt oversea..bt medic kat oversea..ikut la mne2 pown.uk ke australia kew(bi pownz stxpasss,ade hti nk blaja snew,NGEEEE~~~)..tp ak mmg nekad gler klu ak xley gi skang ak nk jgk pegi stu hari nanti..at least mse ak wat master...ak nk blaja btol2..i'll make sure it will not juz stay as my  dream..i  hope ALLAH s.wt hear my wish..and ONE DAY it wiil come true ...ak bnyak sgat ak nk tlis niy..kdag2 kn ak rse jelez sngat ngan kawan2 aku yang bleh g oversea awal..mmg ak sdeyy tahap cipan..bkan stakat thap cipan la tp da xtau nk ckap thap ape..sdeyy glerr kot..waaaaaaa...tp skg ak da stat nk pkir positive..maybe tu rezeki kawan2 aku..REZEKI ALLAH kte xtaw kan..ALLAH knows wat de best for me..HE knows when He will make my dreams come true..YA ALLAH>ak nk sgt smbung blaja kt oversea..uk ker..jelez ngat ngan kawan aku..xacinyerrr!!!hmm..tp smpai ble kan ak nk sdeyy..baek ak study n skor the best in my examination....SMUA ORG ADE RZEKI MASING2...ak yakin sgat allah tahu ape yang tbaik AKU..

Thursday 22 September 2011

best fren FOREVER.

okeyp..aini ak nk prkenalkan my best fren forever..WAAAA..rndu dyer gla2.kt dye la ak cter bnyak bnda..abis semua bnda ak citer smpaikan ak da xtau nk gtau dye apalagi..dye jew yg slalu bg motivasi n semangat..TP KDG2 NASIHAT DYE NTAH PAPE..ngee~~~ sory ye fren mngate kjap!hee..btw,ni gmbar ktorang mase jmpa kat alamanda aritu..first time jmpe lpas amik result SPM..excited gla kot mase tu,TEH!!!!,nk jumpa ko lagi........ntah bla la plak kte nk jmpa kan?..................eh2 lpe plak,nme  dye Teh Muksalmina okeyp..ak bkn sje2 nk pnggil dye Teh sbb dye suke minum teh ke ape,thats her name.unikkkkkkk knnnnn???huhuhu..

Thursday 8 September 2011

waiting for the moment to come!!!

arghh~lmbatnye mse..i cant wait for  next coming weekend..hope i can see him again:).dlu dah plan nk kluar ngn DIA tp ade jew yg xjadi..cm xnk bg ktorng jumpa jew.haishh..pnye la lme ktorng tggu nk jmpa.dri awal thun lg kot..skang ni da akhir thun.klu ibu yg pregnant pown da kluar da baby tu tgk dunia..adoiiyaa..n now im waiting for the moment ....MISS U so much!!(tba2 jew ak tergedik gle la plak mlm niy..terlebih hormon kowt.ngeeee..........)

missing him...

im trying not to text..but i cant stop myself from texting him.jst don know why it becomes so hard to forget him.please make me HATE him more than i LOVE him..im so sorry for what i hve done all this while..:(its my mistake for not apprciate him while i still have him..can i have the same u again?the same person who loves me and take good care of me,ask me what i hve done for the whole day..it just that i still cant forget him........................OMG!i've gone crazy..someone please help me!!!!